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Do you need someone to talk to?
Do you need prayer?

The United Conference for Women has a phenomenal team of women gifted in the ministry of  counseling and prayer who would love to speak with you on a one-on-one basis. Sometimes we may not have someone to talk or pray with confidentially, and we have women ready to serve.


Prayer Team

UCW’s Prayer Room is here for you. The Prayer Room is a place where you or a group can find a quiet place to pray.  It is also a place where prayer warriors are prepared to pray with you and for you based on God’s Word.   We welcome anyone who would just like to come and pray with us because you love to pray.  You may visit as many times as you feel led to come.  You can use it as your War Room or Prayer Closet (Matt. 6:6).

The Prayer Room is staffed during all the scheduled hours of the conference with the exception of General Sessions.  We are flexible to accommodate your prayer needs.  United Conference for Women’s prayer room staff has been praying weekly since last conference for this year’s conference, and they will continue to pray throughout this weekend.  


"If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn fromtheir wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land."   

2 Chronicles 7:14

Lay Counseling Team

For your convenience and support, a counseling room is available for all conferees throughout the weekend. You are welcome to speak with a counselor to receive Biblical hope and encouragement for personal issues you may wish to share. Our biblically trained counselors will be happy to pray with you and communicate Biblical principles related to the situation you present. 


If you are ready to receive Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior or have questions about how to be saved, counselors are available in the Counseling Room to share the word of God with you.  Please come and speak with a counselor.


Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.  

Matt. 11:28

Ask about Salvation . . .

Trust Jesus for salvation, we are saved by grace alone, in Christ alone. You can go from spiritual death to spiritual life by trusting in Jesus for salvation. We'd like to talk to you and answer your questions about salvation. Click the button below to connect with us and start a conversation today.

(Biblical Lay Counselors Available)

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